Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What do I do on day one again??

We'll all have a slightly different game plan for our day one. Here's a few things you'll want to make sure you do on the first day-ish, in no particular order:
Ground Rules (or promises or contracts...work with the students to create these together)
Temple Rules (where ID at all times, computer conduct (no adult content, no cyber bullying, no running a business)
Get Student IDs
Set up or access google account
Visit work site and host
Ice Breakers
Talk about goals and intentions for the program (personal and group)

What else am I forgetting? Help a sister out.

Post your day one plan here to help others make sure they're not missing anything. Include ice-breakers that you found or have done in the past or anything else that you think might help others for day one.


What if I forget all my training??

If you were not at training or just plain can't remember something that you think we went over, you're in the right place. Here is the run down so far complete with a power point on debit cards (created by Deidre and Liz), first day notes (created by Erin).

Best and Worst Teacher Experiences. These are some examples of good and bad experiences that the group has shared with each other. Use these as guidelines for how to be a good mentor to your students.

Do's and Don't of Being a Mentor.
We created these after watching an improvised role-playing exercise of what-not-to-do when you walk into a room full of high school students.

ITSRG Organizational Pyramid. If you don't know who to report to or who reports to you, look here.

Debit Card Training. You can use this to review with your students how the debit cards work.



Hi Team internship-O-rama (still working),

This blog is a repository for resources and wisdom about the internship program this summer at ITSRG. I'll post links to lesson plans, videos, how-to's (lots of these), ice-breakers and anything else that I think will help fill that dreaded blank page.

I hope you'll join me by posting comments and sharing resources and experiences as you progress in your planning process and throughout the six-week program.

This is just a start, but hey, at least my page isn't blank anymore!
